Deemed the first of their kind, the 48V input LM5066 and -48V input LM5064 are high-voltage system power management and protection integrated circuits with on-chip power management bus (PMBus) support. Providing complete subsystem power management, they measure power to each card or block while continuously protecting against inrush current. The LM5066 has a voltage input range of 10V to 80V and the LM5064 from -9V to -80V while both have selectable 25 mV/50 mV current limit thresholds. A measurement block measures both current and voltage at 1,000 times per second with 4.5% accuracy over the full temperature range. Additionally, simultaneous current and voltage sampling provides true power measurement of system consumption. The LM5066 is available now and the LM5064 will be available in August. Price for either is $4.95 each/1,000. NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORP., Santa Clara, CA. (800) 272-9959.