According to Monolithic Power Systems (MPS), its MP110 is the first monolithic 900-V flyback regulator designed specifically for electronic meters, supporting wireless communication. It minimizes electromagnetic interference for wireless communication in home and building automation application. A single resistor externally programs operating frequency so that the power supply’s radiated energy can be designed to avoid wireless frequency transmission. The device employs the company’s MPS 900V process technology, which suits ac-dc power supplies that require high reliability. A low-ohmic switching FET supports over 8 W of output power, and a ruggedized 900-V startup depletion FET handles low no-load power dissipation. For precision thermal protection, its overtemperature protection is on the same silicon as the 900-V power FET. Integration of the 900-V switching FET and its switching characteristic, along with optimized internal blanking and built-in soft-start, simplifies the power-stage design.