The 88EM8189, a new ac/dc LED driver IC from Marvell, features an integrated I2C compatible digital interface for connecting with a networking microcontroller to provide a full digital dimming range from 100% to 1% through ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, PLC and other technologies. The chip also integrates a separate high efficiency ac to dc power supply circuit providing ENERGY STAR-rated standby power (500 mW) dedicated to the networking chip. Smart bulbs using the intelligent chip are backward compatible with existing phase cut wall dimmers as a system level option, and the IC can also be used in either Buck-Boost (non-isolated) or Flyback (isolated) design topologies. The LED driver is part of Marvell’s Smart Lighting Platform which includes 88MZ100 ZigBee microcontroller, 88MC200 Wi-Fi microcontroller and a ZigBee-to-Wi-Fi gateway solution. The platform fully supports industry open protocols in ZigBee Home Automation and ZigBee Light Link, and is accessible by mobile devices via Wi-Fi. The open architecture also allows the Smart bulb to be connected to home gateways offered by retailers and service providers. The 88EM8189 LED driver is currently sampling with global customers.