Cree expanded its Z-Rec Schottky diode family with two discrete 650-V silicon-carbide (SiC) rectifiers that offered higher switching frequencies and efficiencies along with improved thermal characteristics. The C5D50065D Schottky diode, rated at 650-V blocking voltage and 50-A continuous forward current, is the company’s first CPW5 diode to come in packaged form (TO-247-3). It offers up to 2000 A of non-repetitive surge at 25°C, combined with the CPW5 family’s continuous current-carrying capability. Applications include automotive on-board chargers, server power supplies, power conditioning, and high-reliability military/aerospace power systems. The CVFD20065A, Cree’s first Low VR Z-Rec Schottky diode, provides 20 A of forward current with a nominal voltage drop of 1.35 V at 25°C. Its forward surge rating is 1400 A at 25°C (10-µs pulse). It comes in a TO-220-2 package and is rate for a 650-V blocking voltage. Applications include HVAC power supplies, switched-mode power supplies (SMPS), and 5- to 10-kW motor drives and power inverters.