1,500W Single-Output Power Supplies Meet Emissions Standards
The RKW 1,500W series of single-output, low-noise, low-cost power supplies have dc outputs from 3.3V to 48V from ac line voltages from 85V to 264V with power factor correction. Conducted and radiated emissions are suppressed to meet FCC Class B, VCCI Class B, EN 55011-B and EN55022-B limits with an external ac filter. Without this filter, the RKW meets all Class A standards for conducted and radiated emissions. The supplies measure 92 mm x 190 mm x 300 mm and are equipped with a remote on-off, remote voltage control from zero to maximum rated output voltage, and a current balance terminal for easy parallel operation. Pricing is $950 each/100. KEPCO INC., Flushing, NY. (718) 461-7000.
Company: KEPCO INC.
Product URL: Click here for more information