Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) introduced its first 2.5-A step-down SWIFTconverter to support input voltages up to 60 volts. The new TPS54260 monolithic synchronous switcher with integrated high-side FET provides up to 95 percent efficiency and low operating current to 12-, 24- and 48-V point-of-load designs and GSM/GPRS modules used in electronic meters (e-meters), fleet management and security systems.
The TPS54260 offers a high degree of performance and reliability, including current mode control, which provides fast transient response, simple external compensation and flexible component selection. The device also enters into a low ripple pulse skip mode, which reduces the no load, regulated output supply current down to 138 µA. When disabled, the device draws only 1.3 µA.
- TI's high-efficiency SWIFT device with integrated 200-milliohm high-side FET supports a 2.5-A continuous current, and a power stage input voltage range from 3.5 V to 60 V.
- Wide switching frequency range (100 kHz to 2.5 MHz) combines efficiency with design flexibility, and comes in a space-saving, thermally enhanced 3 mm x 4.9 mm x 1 mm monolithic MSOP package that minimizes footprint.
- Synchronized switching frequency from a master clock eliminates beat noise in sensitive data acquisition circuitry.
The TPS54260 is available in volume now from TI and its authorized distributors in a 3 mm x 4.9 mm MSOP PowerPad package. Suggested resale pricing is $2.30 in 1,000-unit quantities.