Microsemi Corporation announced a line of intelligent half bridge Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) standard power modules, including five products that simplify system design and are each available in the company's proprietary low-profile LP8 package.
Microsemi's intelligent power modules are targeted at applications ranging from motor control designs that require high output current at low frequency operation, to high-frequency converters whose switching losses must be kept to a minimum. The modules eliminate the need for designers to spend time setting power and drive functions, and enable them to focus instead on system optimization. They are available in 600 V versions for European market applications using 220V alternating current (A/C) electrical lines, and 1200V versions for U.S. and Canadian markets where 480V and 575V A/C lines are used.
The standard modules include an IGBT phase leg with currents ranging from 300A to 400A at Tc=80 °C, and an optically-isolated driver for each of the two switches. The modules also include a DC-to-DC converter to supply the secondary side of the gate drive with positive and negative gate bias. This guarantees good system noise immunity particularly when fast IGBT devices are specified. The internal DC-to-DC converter can operate from the same customer-provided 5V external supply used to supply the microcontroller board that delivers control signals to the power module. The modules also include a variety of features that optimize safety and reliability, and they are designed to operate in the ten to 50 kHz range depending on the IGBT technology that is specified.
Microsemi's new IGBT intelligent power modules are sampling now and span a broad range of saturation voltage requirements and include the APTLGF300A1208G and APTLGF350A608G modules with a Non-Punch-Through (NPT) IGBT, and the APTLGT300A1208G, APTLGL325A1208G and APTLGT400A608G modules with a trench IGBT. Prices range from $168.41 to $202.56 in quantities of 1,000 to 5,000.