DoD to Initiate Ground Systems Power and Energy Laboratory
Sept. 8, 2009
The Department of Defense's new Ground Systems Power and Energy Laboratory (GSPEL) will be one-of-a-kind. Nothing like it exists anywhere else in the world in terms of capabilities and equipment. This lab has the power to change the future of military ground vehicle systems. Once complete, this 8-in-1 laboratory complex will have outstanding research and testing capabilities. The work done in these labs will advance power and energy for ground vehicles, further research into alternative fuels and propulsion systems, and focus efforts to address critical combat vehicle fuel efficiencies.
The GSPEL will serve as the cornerstone for the Army's next generation of power and energy initiatives. The 30,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility will include eight world-class labs:
1. Power and Energy Vehicle Environment Lab, one of the largest environmental chambers in the world, will be able to test vehicles in extreme temperatures, humidity and solar conditions.
2. Power (Electrochemical) Lab will evaluate major vehicle electrical systems that include battery packs made of different materials and electrochemistries in its battery test chamber.
3. Electrical Power and Architecture Systems Integration Lab will test electrical power distribution efficiency.
4. Hybrid-Electric Lab will evaluate hybrid-electric powertrains with emphasis on the development of hybrid motor technology.
5. Fuel Cell Lab will develop and evaluate fuel cell components and systems.
6. Pulse Power and Directed Energy Lab will develop high-voltage direct current electrical devices, network and system-level integration of pulse power and directed energy.
7. Thermal Management Lab will test the heat capacities and thermal management needs of power electronics, which is vital given the growing amount of power electronics on ground vehicles.
8. Air Filtration Lab will test air flow characteristics of various size vehicles.