Raltron Electronics has introduced two new families of products that allow user selection of frequencies from either a clock or voltage controlled oscillator. Within a frequency range of from 10 - 1200MHz, both new CSMF and VSMF series are based on an advanced digital PLL platform that can be pre-programmed for up to two different output frequencies. This flexibility significantly reduces design and turnaround costs.
Both series incorporate a low frequency crystal with low jitter synthesis to provide a wide range of frequencies. Both the CSMF clock and VSMF voltage controlled units are available in LVCMS, LVPECL and LVDS output formats making the VSMF aptly suitable for SONET/SDH, GIGABIT ETHERNET, CLOCK/DATA RECOVERY and DSL with the CSMF units additionally useful in FIBRE CHANNEL applications.
Operating voltage for both the CSMF clocks and VSMF voltage controlled units are from 2.5 - 3.3V @ 35 - 45 mA within their frequency range of 10 - 1200MHz with RMS phase jitter at 0.8ps typ. within an operating temperature range of from -40 to +85ºC. Units are supplied in a 5 X 7 mm ceramic package.
The Raltron Dual Frequency CSMF and VSMF oscillators are available within four weeks for sampling requirements with production quantities at 6- 8 weeks ARO. Current pricing is at $ 9.75 each for CSMF units and $14.75 for VSMF 's in quantities of 1K pieces