Saelig has introduced the Siglent SDS2000 Series "Super Phosphor" Oscilloscopes, featuring innovative SPO display technology and a novel waveform acquisition and graphics processing engine which supports up to 110,000 wfm/s capture rate, 256 levels of color grading, deep memory storage and new digital trigger technology. Together, these technologies have been collectively dubbed by the manufacturer as "SPO" () technology with its large 8 in., 800 x 480 color LCD, represents a step up in scope performance. Advanced math operations (FFT, integral, differential, square root) and an optional built-in 25 MHz waveform generator or logic analyzer makes this 70 - 300 MHz scope range extremely affordable. Real-time analog sampling of 2 GSa/s is matched with a logic analyzer option capable of simultaneously sampling digital signals at 500MSa/s.
The series is available in two- or four-channel models and supports extensive serial bus triggering and decoding functions (IIC, SPI, UART / RS232, CAN, LIN) and advanced hardware-based low-jitter triggering capabilities (Window, Runt, Interval, DropOut, Pattern, and HDTV video triggering). Precisely set trigger delay and configurable trigger noise suppression add to the 2000 Series signal acquisition functionality. Traditional digital storage oscilloscopes use analog trigger technology, but the Siglent 2000 Series oscilloscopes implement a digital trigger system using a digital comparator and digital time-to-digital converter. This overcomes the shortcomings of analog trigger circuits completely and provides high trigger sensitivity and low trigger jitter.
Thirty-two kinds of automatic measurement and statistical functions are provided to support measurement or high-speed Pass/Fail functions. Advanced math functions include FFT, integral, differential, and square root. Also included are a variety of useful interfaces: USB Host, and Device (USBTMC, PictBridge), LAN (VXI-11, LXI-C), Ext Trig, Pass/Fail, Trig Out, and the capability of accepting SCPI remote control commands.
With traditional digital storage oscilloscopes, waveform data processing and display are accomplished within the internal CPU - a bottleneck for the entire data acquisition/processing/display sequence. The "dead time' of traditional digital storage oscilloscopes between the acquisition of subsequent displayed signals is very long. Occasional glitches are thus difficult to capture since they can easily fall into the dead time. With the novel Siglent-innovated waveform acquisition and image processing engine, a dedicated FPGA group completes the processing and display of signals in a much faster time, reducing the dead time between displayed waveforms with up to 110,000 wfm/s.
Siglent Series 2000 oscilloscopes are available now from US $805 from Saelig Company, Inc.