The February edition of EE-Evaluation Engineering is now online. In this month's special report, Tom Lecklider takes a look at the progression of modular MIL/aero test systems as equipment builders bring state-of-the-art performance to MIL/aero test applications while maintaining backward-compatibility.
Other features in this issue examine ultrasound imaging systems and components, Wi-Fi-based data-acquisition systems, test consequences of 3-D stacked-die semiconductors, and achieving compliance with EMC standards. And as part of our 50th anniversary celebration, we take a look at the history of power supplies.
In addition, we are bringing you news of a variety of new products, including a UMTS analyzer, an accelerometer, PXI products, a thermal imager, a thermal characterization system, FM radio test sets, handheld industrial oscilloscopes, rotary sensors, test cables, MEMS test equipment, bench DSOs, a wireless test set, filters, a test-bench-generation tool, and an AXIe digitizer.
We are now finishing up our March print edition, which will include articles on power analyzers, semiconductor test software, LTE, and remote monitoring.
We are also conducting our research for April articles, which will cover topics including PXI instruments, signal analyzers, signal integrity, and test data in the cloud. We welcome your comments on your experiences in any of these areas.