1-GHz Scopes With DVM
Prices range from $9,950 for a 1-GHz, two-channel model to $15,500 for a 1-GHz model with four analog plus 16 digital channels. The integrated DVM costs $75; the price for the 1-GHz active probe is $995. A bandwidth upgrade from 500 MHz to 1 GHz costs $2,340 for a two-channel model and $3,070 for a four-channel model.
Web Server for Thermocouple Measurements
The OM-WEB-TC Series of thermocouple measurement devices includes a built-in web server. The embedded web interface provides viewing access to thermocouple data and configuration settings using a standard web browser. The OM-WEB-TC features eight thermocouple input channels and supports thermocouple types J, K, T, E, N, R, S, and B. The series has built-in cold junction compensation and open thermocouple detection, a 24-bit measurement system, and eight digital I/O channels user-configurable for alarms. Free configuration and logging software is included. From $599.
4-GHz Oscilloscope
The new 4-GHz R&S RTO1044 Oscilloscope offers a 20-GS/s sampling rate. It can handle different interfaces up to a data rate of 1.6 Gb/s and be used to test fast clock signals up to 800 MHz. The R&S RTO targets the measurement of low-amplitude signals. A low-noise front end makes the full measurement bandwidth of 4 GHz available at even the smallest scaling (1 mV/div). The 10-GHz single-core A/D converter provides a wide dynamic range (ENOB >7 bits).
The instrument also offers a high acquisition and analysis rate of 1 million waveforms/second. The digital trigger system makes it possible to pinpoint glitches down to 50 ps and their origin. An adjustable trigger hysteresis function allows users to optimize the trigger sensitivity to the signal characteristics.
Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes
Six new MSO/DPO4000B Oscilloscopes offer 1-GHz performance. The list includes two-channel models with 20-Mpoint record lengths and two- and four-channel lite versions with 5-Mpoint record length. New lite or L models such as the DPO4102B-L drop the starting price for the series to under $10,000.
All 1-GHz oscilloscopes in the MSO/DPO4000B Series include one TPP1000 1-GHz Passive Probe per analog channel. This general-purpose probe features 3.9-pF capacitive loading for visibility into the high-frequency signal details found in USB 2.0 and Ethernet devices.
In addition, bandwidth upgrade products for the MSO/DPO3000 Series allow engineers to purchase the bandwidth they need now and upgrade when project requirements change. MSO/DPO3000 scopes also now offer support for the MIL-STD-1553 and FlexRay buses.
PCB Current Prober
The Aim-TTi I-Prober 520 is a compact handheld current probe for use with any oscilloscope. To operate, a user places the probe’s insulated tip on a PCB track to observe current flowing in the track.
I-Prober 520 is a general-purpose H-field probe based on the fluxgate magnetometer principle; it allows track currents to be measured over a dynamic range from 10 mA to 20 A (pk-pk) with a bandwidth of DC to 5 MHz. The probe has a low noise equivalent of <6 mA rms at full bandwidth and presents minimal disturbance to circuit conditions due to its low insertion impedance and stray capacitance. From $799.
HALT and HASS Controller
The CSZ line of HALT and HASS test chambers now features the EZT-570i Touch Screen Controller. It replaces the Watlow F4 Programmable Controller. The EZT-570i includes datalogging, remote control and monitoring, email/text alarm notification messages, a data file backup system, full system security, and preprogrammed test profiles for faster program implementation.
The HALT and HASS chambers also incorporate EZ-View Software, which works in conjunction with the EZT-570i Controller to provide remote monitoring, control, datalogging, and trend graphs for temperature and vibration on multiple chambers.
A new family of high-performance PXI and PXI Express (PXIe) products serves applications requiring fast data throughput such as audio and image test. The all-hybrid, nine-slot PXIe PXES-2590 Chassis provides up to 8 GB/s throughput. The PXI-9527 Dynamic Signal Acquisition (DSA) Module offers 24-bit resolution and IEPE signal conditioning for accurate sound and vibration testing. The PXIe-9842 Digitizer delivers 200 MS/s for dynamic measurements. These products follow the Q4 2011 release of the company’s PXIe-3975 3U PXI Express Controller based on the 2.4-GHz Intel Core™ i5-520E Processor for functional-test applications.
Clock Recovery System
The N4877A Clock Recovery System provides clock extraction for electrical signals for any rate from 50 Mb/s to 32 Gb/s. The system combines the N4877A with the N1075A Optical Coupler/Converter to achieve optical clock recovery on multimode signals to 16 Gb/s and single-mode signals to 32 Gb/s. The new clock-recovery products offer residual jitter performance as low as 100 fs rms, which increases margin in jitter tests and minimizes degradation of results by the test system.
N4877 versions for electrical signals range from $32,000 (50 Mb/s to 16.5 Gb/s) to $50,000 (50 Mb/s to 32 Gb/s); N1070A versions (combining the N4877A with the N1075A) cost from $46,000 to $64,000. The N1075A Optical Coupler/Converter without the clock-recovery instrument is priced at $18,000.
The 40-549 and 40-551 Power Matrices have been added to the company’s line of PXI products. The 40-549 is a 5-A matrix available in a variety of 32 and 64 crosspoint configurations with Y-axis sizes of x4 and x8. Maximum switching voltage is 110 VDC or 250 VAC. The 40-551 is a 10-A 8×4 matrix that switches voltages up to 125 VDC and 250 VAC and features an optional loop-through facility that simplifies user cabling when the matrix size is expanded through the use of additional modules. The 40-551 also is available in 8×2 and 4×4 configurations. 40-549: $1,214 to $1,619; 40-551: $1,180 to $1,785.
Digital Oscilloscopes
The DS4000 Series Digital Oscilloscopes come in eight models and feature bandwidths between 100 MHz and 500 MHz, sample rates up to 4 GS/s, and two or four analog channels. These scopes can help find system glitches with 140 million points of memory depth and a 110,000 waveform/s acquisition rate. In addition, the scopes can search and navigate within up to 200,000 triggered waveforms with mask tests. They feature the company’s UltraVision technology and a 9-inch WVGA intensity-grading display and support real-time waveform recording and waveform visualization and replay, with customizable real-time hardware filters available. From $1,999.