GOEPEL Supports JTAG Platform Cable USB II from Xilinx
June 7, 2012. In cooperation with Xilinx, GOEPEL has developed a new software option to support Xilinx's Platform Cable USB II. The new solution integrates the Xilinx hardware into the SYSTEM CASCON IEEE 1149.x development environment, enabling the utilization of Platform Cable USB II as native controller to execute boundary-scan tests throughout the entire product life cycle.
“Many of our customers are using Xilinx design tools, [and] hence work with the respective JTAG hardware. We are now able to offer these users a seamless migration into our JTAG/boundary-scan development environment,” said Bettina Richter, GOEPEL marketing manager. “Coupling process steps by subsequently using an existent hardware environment provides users an extraordinary synergy and, at the same time, protects investments.”
In conjunction with the appropriate development software, Platform Cable USB II offers the opportunity to configure Xilinx PLD/FPGA components via the JTAG interface and to validate implemented designs. Platform Cable USB II is integrated at the same level as GOEPEL's’ native IEEE 1149.x controllers by means of the implemented software extension. Therefore, it is able to execute all boundary-scan test procedures, such as infrastructure tests, memory tests, cluster tests, or interconnection tests, supporting all tools integrated in SYSTEM CASCON such as Automated Test Program Generation (ATPG), Automatic Pin Level fault Diagnosis (PFD), Multi Mode Debugger, Batch Executor, Automatic Flash Programmer (AFPG), and PLD/FPGA Programmer.
In this context, Platform Cable USB II can additionally provide in-system programming (ISP) for all flash components with moderate data. These test and programming operations are trouble-free and also possible in the case of design integrated multi drop devices as respective control sequences are involved in the TAP bit stream fully automatically. All scan routers of Telefunken Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, and Firecron are supported.
All test and ISP procedures generated in the Xilinx hardware are cross-compatible with all JTAG/boundary-scan controllers from GOEPEL, including PicoTAP as well as SCANBOOSTER and SCANFLEX series.
The interface option for Platform Cable USB II is an integrated standard in SYSTEM CASCON from release 4.6.1 on and free of charge for customers with valid maintenance contract. The hardware can be purchased via Xilinx or its distributors.