April 4, 2013. EPIX Inc., manufacturer of frame grabbers, machine-vision cameras, and complete imaging systems, has released V3.8 of its software products for Windows 8 and Linux with 3.x kernels.
The XCAP imaging programs, with dedicated support for more than 1000 camera models, now include support for Osprey and Owl low-noise, high-sensitivity cameras from Raptor Photonics. Also added is the Bonito camera from Allied Vision Technologies, which provides 4-megapixel resolution at up to 386 fps. EPIX software and frame-grabber products support all Camera Link cameras; all NTSC, RS-170, PAL, and CCIR cameras; all Silicon Video cameras; and many cameras with differential output.
XCAP-Std V3.8 streams video to memory or disk for seconds, minutes, or hours (depending on the data rate of the camera and the computer’s memory or RAID capacity). The new XCAP-Viewer, available at no cost, allows the loading and viewing of images and image sequences from files on any PC. XCAP-Viewer allows playing of video to disk files (.vif), and unlike other multi-media players, allows playing .avi files while controlling the playback rate.
The XCLIB, XCLIB-LITE, and PXIPL libraries have also been updated. All V3.8 products support both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Upgrades from V3.0 and V3.7 are at no charge for all products except XCAP-Lite.