Agilent Sets International Microwave Symposium Demonstrations
May 21, 2013. Agilent Technologies announced today that it will demonstrate 25 of its newest design and measurement solutions at the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium June 2-7 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle.
The demonstrations will cover everything from circuit-level modeling though system verification for general RF, microwave, 4G communications, and aerospace/defense applications.
Agilent will present the following highlights:
Design software: Agilent EEsof EDA solutions address the critical RFIC design challenges. Solutions include ADS 2013 for Multi-Technology and Electro-Thermal; EMPro, with multiple 3-D EM simulation technologies tightly integrated with the ADS design platform; and SystemVue 2013, which features design personalities for satellite communications/GNSS, radar, 4G/MSR, DPD, and FPGA hardware-in-the-loop.
Network analysis: Agilent test solutions provide a single connection for multiple measurements of HDMI and WiGiG components. Driven by the PNA-X network analyzer, this millimeter-wave solution can fully characterize a transmitter/receiver system with a single connection to the DUT. Agilent’s PNA-X network analyzers perform noise figure measurements up to 50 GHz. Agilent’s 8507xE.07 series software makes it easy to measure electromagnetic material properties.
The new user interface adds more traces, multiple charts, advanced trace math and marker functions to help analyze data in intuitive ways that were not possible before. The FieldFox handheld analyzer’s remote control capability and new Remote Viewer iOS application enable users to make precise RF and microwave measurements from an iPad or iPhone. Also new are a spectrum analysis time-gating option and support for Agilent’s USB peak-power sensors, which are specifically geared toward engineers testing the pulse characteristics of their radar systems.
Signal generation and analysis: Users can generate multi-emitter signal environments using SystemVue design software, a wideband arb, and PSG vector signal generator. They can see, capture, and analyze repetitive or intermittent signals using the PXA signal analyzer with real-time spectrum analysis and 89600 VSA software. And they can analyze wideband signals using the Infiniium 90000 Q-Series real-time oscilloscopes and VSA software. Users can generate and analyze complex millimeter-wave signals up to 1 THz with the PSG vector signal generator, PXA signal analyzer, and extender modules from solution partner VDI.
Agilent’s midrange 32- to 44-GHz EXA signal analyzer supports smart mixers to 110 GHz. Additional measurement solutions include LTE one-button measurements for manufacturing and design validation, multi-standard radio for base station testing, LTE/LTE-Advanced inter-band and intra-band carrier aggregation support, 8-channel MIMO, and WLAN 802.11ac chipset design validation. With Signal Studio for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), users can perform real-time simulations of the Chinese Beidou (B1) navigation satellite signals, with up to 40 channels available for line-of-sight and multipath signals for any combination of Beidou and GPS or GLONASS (L1 with C/A code). An additional 16 channels are available for Galileo (E1) signals.
Peak power analyzer: Multi-pulse analysis and easy power added efficiency (PAE) measurements can all be done with one instrument, the Agilent 8990B peak power analyzer.
AXIe digitizers: The M9703A multichannel AXIe digitizer module is an eight-channel, phase-coherent, 12-bit digitizer with optional, real-time, flexible digital down-conversion. It is capable of measuring wireless, communications, radar, satellite and electronic warfare signals up to 1-GHz wide. It also has an option capable of capturing MIMO signals of interest for baseband IC development.
Agilent business partners will demonstrate modeling and device characterization as well as wafer, IC, and circuit-board measurements and prototyping. They will also highlight antenna measurement systems and test chambers. In addition, Agilent will present several technical programs and workshops.
Dr. Gordon Strachan, the lead architect for the hardware control software in Agilent’s X-Series signal analyzers, will present his keynote address, “Modern RF Measurements and How They Drive Spectrum Analyzer Digital IF Processor Design,” on Wednesday, June 5, at 11:10 a.m.