July 22, 2014. Pickering Interfaces is expanding its range of PCI precision programmable resistor solutions with the introduction of two new PCI cards.
The PCI RTD Simulator Cards (50-262) contain six resistance channels each with exceptional resistance stability and fine setting resolution characteristics. Intended for the emulation of PT100 and PT1000 resistive temperature sensors, the 50-262 PCI RTD simulator product is offered with two resistance ranges; 90 to 250 Ω and 900 to 2500 Ω with the PT100 version providing 8 m Ω setting resolution. Each programmable resistor can be programmed with resistance calls which set the resistance of the module to an accuracy of 0.1%
The PCI Strain Gauge Simulator Cards (50-265) are offered with six bridge channels; each channel simulates a strain gauge bridge. Four different models are offered in the 50-265 PCI strain gauge range, they include 350-Ω, 1-kΩ, 2-kΩ, and 3-kΩ bridges. Each model allows very fine adjustment of the bridge resistance to allow emulation of high or low stresses using simple resistance calls. Each channel has a stored value corresponding to the bridge being in balance, and the bridges can be driven from either an internal voltage source or an externally supplied voltage from a bridge measuring system.
Both of these PCI precision programmable resistor solutions are part of an increasing family of switching and simulation products available from Pickering Interfaces in the mature PCI format. “PCI is used extensively in budget conscious test systems using Industrial PC chassis especially for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation,” commented Keith Moore, managing director at Pickering Interfaces. “There remains a strong demand for the PCI format and we are expanding our range of PCI switching products to address those market opportunities. We are committed to supporting these PCI switching solutions in the same way we support our PXI and LXI switching products.”