A quality end product is the ultimate goal of any manufacturer, going back to the earliest stages of its design. But in electronics, the end product is the sum of so many more parts than almost any other category. These components—either active, passive, or electromechanical—are often considered commodity products, given their simplicity in most cases and basic function. But that doesn’t mean they could be overlooked, as any electronic instrument or device is only as good as the sum of its parts.
For the most part, basic electronic components can be packaged discretely, in networks of like components or arrays, or integrated inside packages like integrated circuits. With that, such packages can be considered components themselves. Here’s a look at some discrete component products recently put on the market.
Waveguide-to-waveguide transitions for 5.85 to 110 GHz
Fairview Microwave has launched a new line of waveguide transitions that operate from 5.85 to 110 GHz across 14 frequency bands. These waveguide adapters are ideal for high powerCylindrical supercapacitor series enhances pulse power handling
AVX Corporation has released a new series of cylindrical, electrochemical, double-layer supercapacitors. Rated for 2.7V and delivering high capacitance values (1F–3,000F), low ESR27 GHz bandwidth epoxy mount socket
Ironwood Electronics' new high-performance socket—SG-BGA-6484—allows for 1 mm pitch,11x13mm body IC's to be used in socket and operate without compromising performance in Ironwood’s very high-speed memory applications. The new 27 GHz bandwidth sockets easily support very dense BGA devices utilizing a high-performance conductive elastomer contactor. The contact resistance is normally 20 milliohms. The sockets have a precision design, which guides the IC to the exact position for connection of each ball and uses an open top socket lid to provide compressive force. The socket accommodates IC packages such as the Micron's flash memory BGA package, 1 mm pitch BGA, and 8x8 array of balls. The socket requires no solder and no mounting holes and requires only 1.25 mm perimeter space for the socket body on the target PCB. Ironwood Electronics