Designed as a real-time debugger for Motorola's 68HC12 microcontroller, the ZAP Debugger software provides real-time execution, flash programming, hardware breakpoints, and bank-switching support for code and constants. Making it a fully portable debugger and flash programmer, the application utilizes P&E Microcompuuter Systems Parallel CABLE 12 for high-speed parallel connection.Three modes of execution are provided: hardware-breakpoint mode for real-time flash debugging; BGND mode is used when debugging out of RAM when hardware breakpoints are not available; and Istep mode for when hardware breakpoints and RAM are not available.The ZAP Debugger is compatible with Windows 95/98/NT 4.0, SUN, or HP UNIX, with the ZAP 6812 ICD debugger available with a C Cross compiler and simulator for the 68HC12 controllers.
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