The four-channel, 6-GHz 8620A digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) and the SDA 6020 four-channel, 6-GHz serial data analyzer DSO, both hailing from LeCroy, got a boost in real-time sampling rate to 20 Gsamples/s per channel. The scope's other advanced capabilities include a 6-GHz bandwidth, 75-ps rise time, and memory up to 48 million points per channel.
LeCroy's X-Stream technology enables a wide range of measurements to be made up to 100 times faster than other oscilloscopes. Users can insert customized waveform math or parameter calculation routines directly into the instrument's processing stream. The 6020 is designed specifically to evaluate the physical-layer characteristics of both optical and electrical serial data signals up to 3.5 Gbits/s.
The 8620A lets users create customized parameter measurements or waveform math functions and insert them into the DSO's user interface. Users can write a visual basic script, Matlab, Mathcad, or Excel function and integrate it seamlessly into the 8620A's processing chain.
The 8620A and 6020 feature clock accuracy of 1 ppm, sample rate and delay time accuracy better than 1 ppm (for a 10-second interval), and trigger jitter of less than 2.5 ps. Both also have a 5-GHz trigger bandwidth and offer a choice of acquisition memory lengths, starting with 2 Mpoints/channel (8 Mpoints for the 6020) and extending to 48 Mpoints/channel. A host of software packages and accessories are available for use with both.
The 8620A with 2 Mpoints/channel costs $69,500, while the 6020 with 8 Mpoints/channel is $77,500. Delivery is within four to six weeks.
LeCroy (800) 553-2769