The accuracy, dynamic range, sensitivity, resolution and speed at which complex RF and microwave signals can be measured and monitored has been given a major boost with the development of the E4440A instrument. This first member of the PSA series of high-performance spectrum analyzers is said to incorporate a new internal design, the core of which is an all-digital intermediate frequency (IF) conversion and signal processing chain. This allows traditional, slow-responding crystal- and LC-type filters to be replaced with digital versions, thereby enabling the instrument to achieve many more steps in resolution, and to do this faster and more accurately.
Here are some of the performance gains claimed for the new spectrum analyzer: fast, 1-ms sweep speeds; 0.3 dB absolute amplitude accuracy; 0.1 dB linearity over a 100 dB range; 113 dB distortion-free dynamic range; -153 dBm Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) from 10 MHz to 3 GHz; and the ability to fine tune with 160 resolution bandwidth settings. The unit also enables screen and data capture to Microsoft apps, can be connected to LANs, and with a 30 Hz to 26.5 GHz range costs $48,000.
Company: AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES - Test and Measurement Organization
Product URL: Click here for more information