Designed to enable rapid development of embedded systems based on Microchip's PIC microprocessors, the ICEPIC2 emulator is non-intrusive and allows real-time emulation support for the PIC12Cxx, PIC16Cxx and PIC17Cxx processors at speeds of up to 33 MHz. Code can be debugged at source level in either Assembler or C with 8K hardware trace buffer ensuring that difficult bugs can be identified and rectified in real time. Providing unlimited hardware trigger breakpoints on any address or range of address, the emulator can execute in a single-step or procedure-step mode and incorporates a special hardware filter to control multi-cycle instruction capture. The system consists on an emulator unit, power supply high-speed RS-232 interface, software and user manual. Designed for use with Windows 95/98/NT as well as Microchip's MPLAB, pricing is $745.
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