The J7000 jitter test system finds employment in many markets including computer, cell phone, entertainment system, test and measurement equipment, and other applications. Ready for emerging second-generation standards, the system debuts as a powerful test instrument to alter serial signal streams through injection of Gaussian noise in a way that reflects real world signal behavior. To evaluate performance of components and systems, it is capable of adding precise amounts of white noise to the signal stream that allows the measurement of SNR, CNR, and BER. Systems are available in different frequency bands ranging from 1 MHz to 5 GHz. A crest factor of greater than 18 dB guarantees optimal distribution of random events to evaluate low BER. Additionally, the series provides a frequency-dependent output power that ranges from -131 dBm/-66 dBm to -3 dBm and provides an ultra low distortion signal path. NOISECOM, Parsippany, NJ. (973) 386-9696.
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