Acquired Data Systems


About Acquired Data Systems


More Info on Acquired Data Systems

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Acquired Data Solutions, established in 1997, has over 20 years’ experience providing technology solutions for the engineering life cycle to government agencies and the commercial sector. Our expertise in test, integration, automation and cybersecurity makes the company invaluable to our customers requiring solutions to improve their development environment, manufacturing process, and product and system quality.

Articles & News

Project Management Ee
Test & Measurement

The 6 Best Practices for Developing Successful Test Engineering Solutions

Oct. 20, 2021
Learn the six best practices to follow to help you develop successful automated test solutions faster and at lower cost

Videos & Resources

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Cybersecurity in the Operational Technology World

May 13, 2021
This article is part of the TechXchange: Cybersecurity As federal requirements for cybersecurity protection increase, so has the importance and need to demonstrate how OT is ...