Telepathy… The Future Wireless

April 3, 2006
Okay, I can already feel some of you pulling away from me as you click by the title. But just hold on a nanosecond. Your attention span can’t be that short. Stay with me here. How do you know that telepathy isn’t the future of wireless? If you try to pred

Okay, I can already feel some of you pulling away from me as you click by the title. But just hold on a nanosecond. Your attention span can’t be that short. Stay with me here. How do you know that telepathy isn’t the future of wireless? If you try to predict the future of wireless, why wouldn’t you come to the conclusion that telepathy is one of the more attractive options? Research has revealed some amazing things about telepathy. If you’re willing to read on, I’ll elaborate.

Telepathy, or mental telepathy as some call it, is a communications method that involves direct mind-to-mind contact. It is part of the larger field of extrasensory perception (ESP) that includes other forms of mental “magic” like clairvoyance, precognition, and distance viewing. It is, in fact, the oldest form of ESP and has been studied longer and more extensively than all the others.

Since the late 1800s, many research projects have been completed. It is still actively studied in many of the parapsychology departments in prestigious universities in the U.S. and around the world. The intelligence communities of the world, especially in the U.S. (CIA research) and Soviet Union, studied and tested it to varying degrees of success during the Cold War. The general consensus is that it does indeed exist and work.

It is not some wacko, New Age spiritualist scam, as you may think. Humans can and do communicate with one another by this method. And no, you can’t speak to the dead, as some say is possible. But you can communicate with animals. Scary. We all have the ability for one-on-one communications, but some are better at it than others. The thing is, we can all learn to do it.

Most of you have had some kind of telepathic experience that leaves you wondering. How did we do that? It happens when you think of someone and that person calls you on the phone. Or you know who is calling when the phone rings or someone knocks at the door. Perhaps you have experienced the feeling that something is happening or has happened, good or bad, to someone you know.

The feeling is described as being that “gut feeling” we all have to some degree or another. It is real and should be heeded. Some older tribal societies still use it to communicate. For example, the Aborigines of Australia just accept the fact that it is one of their normal capabilities.

The big problem with telepathy is that is has a bad image. People think of mind readers, magicians, psychics, and others who pass themselves off as having some unique gift or power. On top of that there are too many skeptics, the “don’t confuse me with facts” crowd, who have been brought up to question everything regardless of the evidence. And over the years, television has probably hurt more than it has helped the field of ESP.

The fact is that telepathy is a legitimate phenomenon that ought to be further studied and developed into a key human characteristic. Think of the possibilities. Doesn’t it say somewhere in the Bible we should develop and use our God-given talents? So let’s do it.

Another reason telepathy is looked down on is that scientists have not been able to prove how it works. It apparently isn’t something you can analyze with the laws of physics. It does not involve electric or magnetic fields, but you can detect these fields emanating from the body as a way to determine if some telepathy is taking place. So obviously, if we cannot prove it with what we know about physics, then it must not be true. Oh, the arrogance of most scientists! They obviously don’t know everything.

Isn’t this situation just like radio in the early years? They proved that it existed and then worked on developing apparatus that made it happen. Yet few people if any really understood the scientific reality. After more than 100 years of study, we pretty much have figured out how wireless works. And while we have known about telepathy about as long as we have known radio, we still have not figured out how it really works.

Some theories say it is based on quantum impulses. Researchers are working on that. So who is to say for sure what this is all about? But, here’s the important point. Just because we do not understand how it works does not preclude us from working with it and making it a practical communications tool. Just as we did with radio, we can develop techniques that will let us benefit from this inherent human gift we still have not learned to use. So what if it isn’t electronic?

Why can’t we start moving ahead to figure out what to do with this technology? From all the research already conducted, we know that telepathy can take place between two persons who are anywhere in the world. Distance and obstacles aren’t a factor. You cannot “hide” one person from another with copper-screen rooms, magnetic enclosures, and other shielding techniques.

Researchers have proved that telepathy works best when the people communicating are relaxed and focusing on the message and the other person. It really comes on strong when some emotion is involved, and meditation is a key facilitator of the ability. Caffeine really stimulates the process. And no, I am not making that up. Finally, you need to learn how to do it. The more training and practice you get, the better you communicate. That’s the gist of it.

Here is what I think is going to happen. When we run out of wireless technologies on the seemingly neverending electronic roadmap, we finally will turn to telepathy. That time isn’t far off. Frankly, I think we will run out of electromagnetic spectrum first. (Haven’t we already?) But technological development being what it is, companies will fight back tooth and nail with even more exotic electronic solutions to get more data into smaller bandwidths at ever increasing rates (ultra-narrow-band?).

But those technologies will have physical limits. When we hit the wall, we will turn to telepathy. By then, some of the training techniques will have been perfected so people interested in joining the telepathy club will go to classes to learn the methods that work. Maybe it will even be taught to kids in the early school grades. The sooner humans learn that they do indeed have this capability, accept, and develop it, the sooner we can all benefit from it.

I think someone will develop a pill that will really enhance and speed up the ability to engage in telepathy. There’s a pill for everything else, so why not this? Like all the others, that pill will have all the usual side effects, such as a total body rash, bleeding eyes, fainting spells, or whatever. But we humans are used to all that, given the volume of pills we take now.

Yes, there are problems to work out. For example, will the person manning the 911 line really know it is you and where you are? And will your restaurant reservation really be there when you arrive? A benefit is that you can call in sick without actually having to “sound” sick. By the way, there’s no doubt the government will get involved by either banning it, regulating it, taxing it, or, God forbid, using it themselves in a broadcast mode to make us all be more obedient. It could be worse than the black helicopter crowd ever expected. Yikes, a taxed mind-control deal! We better write our congressmen now.

It’s time for all of you wireless strategic planners and engineers to put mental radio on your roadmaps. Once it is there, we can begin the quest for universal application first, and then research to understand why. You heard it here first.

Happy April Fool’s Day! Or maybe not...

About the Author

Louis E. Frenzel

Click here to find more of Lou's articles on Electronic Design. 

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