Octal E1 Digital Signal Interface Solves SDH Wander Problem

Oct. 1, 1998
Offering full E1 CRC-4 monitoring in transmit and receive directions, SXT6282 octal E1 digital signal interface can be programmed on the transmit side as a digital phased locked loop or to provide signal re-timing capability, thereby solving

Offering full E1 CRC-4 monitoring in transmit and receive directions, SXT6282 octal E1 digital signal interface can be programmed on the transmit side as a digital phased locked loop or to provide signal re-timing capability, thereby solving SDH-induced wander problems. When used with firm's SXT6051 overhead terminator, SXT6251 21E1 mapper and E1 line interface unit circuits, the SXT6282 provides a complete system solution for 21E1/63E1 applications.


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