Media Controller Redefines Digital Media Transfers

May 2, 2005
The USB2230 emerges as the first media controller to combine flash media and infrared technology, allowing designers to simplify the point-and-shoot experience. In a 128-pin TQFP, the device integrates a USB-to-infrared interface and a 15-in-one flash

The USB2230 emerges as the first media controller to combine flash media and infrared technology, allowing designers to simplify the point-and-shoot experience. In a 128-pin TQFP, the device integrates a USB-to-infrared interface and a 15-in-one flash controller. The infrared controller is v1.1 FIR and SIR compliant and supports data rates of 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6, and 115.2 kb/s, and 0.576, 1.152, and 4 Mb/s. Supporting 15 types of popular storage media, the flash controller can operate from three memory configurations: 128 Kb of external flash, 76 Kb of internal ROM, or ROM code configured via external EEPROM. Additionally, an integrated 8051 8-bit processor operates at 30 MHz with one clock per instruction cycle. Operating system support includes Windows ME/2000/XP, Macintosh OS X, SoftConnx, and Linux. Available in June, price is $4.99 each/10,000. SMSC, Hauppauge, NY. (631) 435-6000.

Company: SMSC

Product URL: Click here for more information

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