Debuting as the first member of the Z-Accel family of 2.4-GHz, ZigBee-certified network processors, the CC2480 provides users with complete ZigBee functionality without having to learn the complexities of a full ZigBee stack. The device handles all timing-critical and processing-intensive ZigBee protocol tasks, while freeing up the MCU to handle the application. The device communicates with any MCU via an SPI or UART interface and supports SimpleAPI, which has only 10 API calls to learn and features reliable radio performance, low power consumption, and an automatic low-power mode in idle periods. Available in a 7 mm x 7 mm QFN-48 package, pricing starts at $8.10 each/1,000. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC., Dallas, TX. (800) 477-8924.
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