The AD8159 is a quad multiplexer designed to address XAUI (10-GBit Ethernet Attachment Unit Interface) port redundancy. A failsafe mechanism for maintaining high system availability, redundancy is typically built into the ASIC switch fabric, thus limiting the I/O bandwidth of these devices. The multiplexer places switching functions outside of the ASIC, increasing its efficiency and freeing up bandwidth previously dedicated to redundancy. The multiplexer supports data rates up to 3.2 Gb/s. It consists of a two-port multiplexer and a two-port demultiplexer. Each port is a 4-lane link, with each lane operating at up to 3.2 Gb/s independent of the other lanes. There are total of 12 differential PECL/CML compatible inputs and 12 differential CML outputs. Power dissipation is typically 1W at 3.3V with output pre-emphasis and input equalization active on all lanes. The device is packaged in a 100-lead TQFP. Price is $11.95 each/1,000. ANALOG DEVICES INC., Norwood, MA. (800) 262-5643.
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