By leveraging a proprietary magneto-inductive technology, a new type of analog absolute linear position sensor can provide noncontact continuous positioning information. Optimized to provide motion-control information for shorter displacement distances, the versatile BIL sensor enables existing motion-control systems to be upgraded at low cost from end-of-stroke to the flexibility and precision of continuous, absolute positioning feedback. The device measures only 95 mm long, so it can fit into tight places other linear position feedback devices cannot. The BIL delivers high-resolution, analog temperature-compensated linearized stroke information up to 50 mm and nonlinearized stroke information up to 60 mm. Also available are voltage- and current-output versions. The durable and robust sensor contains no moving parts other than the magnet. Head and processing elements are sealed to the IP 67 standard, providing resistance to shock, vibration, moisture, and common contaminants. The BIL absolute position sensor costs $199 each.
Balluff; (800) 543-8390