A pair of PIC microcontrollers feature certified Full-Speed USB 2.0 connectivity and 48-MHz operation, for 12-Mbit/s data-transfer rates. The majority of USB-capable microcontrollers are optimized for applications in the PC peripheral and consumer markets, rather than for embedded systems. The new PIC18F2450 and PIC18F4450, however, integrate USB as one of the primary serial interfaces, as opposed to the common approach of adding a serial-to-USB patch on top of a legacy design. Combined with Microchip’s nanoWatt Technology power management, the chips offer a complete solution for designers of embedded systems.
The microcontrollers include 16 kbytes of self-programmable Enhanced Flash memory, which allows field upgrades of end applications via the USB port. The company’s advanced PMOS Electrically Erasable Cell (PEEC) flash technology delivers up to 100,000 erase/write cycles and data retention of more than 40 years.
Other features include:
768 bytes of RAM, 256 bytes of which can be a dedicated USB buffer
AUSART for RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces
A 10-bit analog-to-digital converter with +/-1 LSB accuracy and up to 13 channels
A capture/compare/PWM module with 16-bit capture and resolution
Three timers
Programmable brownout reset and low-voltage detect circuits
Enhanced in-circuit debugging with up to three hardware breakpoints...
The microcontrollers are available now for general sampling and volume production.. PRICING
The PIC18F2450 comes in 28-pin SOIC, SDIP, and QFN packages for $2.99 each in quantities of 10,000. The PIC18F4450 comes in 40-pin DIP, 44-PIN TQFP, and QFN packages for $3.59 each in quantities of 10,000 FOR MORE INFORMATION
Visit www.microchip.com/usb