Claimed to be ideal for use in WDM and DWM fiber transmission equipment, SONET backbones, add/drop multiplexers, frequency translating, and telecom access equipment., the K17255 and the K17355 PECL, complementary-output voltage controlled oscillators (VCXOs) operate from 5- and 3.3-V supplies, respectively. Both are configured to operate at the popular fiber-optical network frequency of 155.52 MHz.
The devices provide a total frequency stability of ±30 ppm at 0°C to 70°C and ±50 ppm at -40°C to 85°C. Rise and fall times are stated at less than 450 ps.
The K17355 provides an optional output enable/disable feature. The K17255 has a minimum deviation of ±80 ppm and the K17355 features a minimum deviation of ±60 ppm.
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