The AK series transient-voltage suppressors (TVSs) are said to be capable of eliminating the ganging of between 40 and 150 5-kW silicon avalanche diodes, eliminating errors and lowering costs. The AK10 device can handle currents of up to 10 kA via an 8/20-µs wave-shape pulse as per IEC 61000.4.5 in a 16.5-mm leaded package. AK6 can handle up to 16 kA. Both TVSs employ proprietary Foldbak technology, which serves to lower clamping levels below the diode's avalanche state. The devices also feature a capacitance of 2 nF at 10 kHz, clamping voltage as low as 58V, and bi-directional protection with bleed-through leakage levels down to 20 µA. LITTELFUSE INC., Des Plaines, IL. (800) 999-9445.
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