The CAT5126 Digitally Programmable Potentiometer (DPP) from Catalyst Semiconductor Inc. offers one-time wiper programmability via a simple two-wire interface. Designers can set the wiper’s value after power-on and disable the interface to prevent further adjustment. Or, they can maintain the interface in operating condition. In that case the system will always power-on to the programmed wiper position. The user can then change the wiper position as needed and the modified value will not be stored.
The new DPP comes in end-to-end resistance values of 10 kΩ, 50 kΩ, and 100 kΩ. Suitable applications include LCD screen adjustment; automated calibration; contrast, brightness, and volume control; programmable logic functions; line impedance matching; and replacements for mechanical potentiometers in space-constrained systems.
The CAT5126 comes in a 2- by 3-mm eight-lead TDFN package or an eight-lead MSOP package. Samples are available now. Projected lead time for production quantities is currently six to eight weeks. Prices start at $0.53 each in 10,000-piece quantities. For more information, visit