Introduced as an enhanced version of the company's 3120 circuit breaker, the3120-F7 comes in the same blue and gray colors and ergonomic packaging. In addition to providing protection against overloads and short circuits, the component can be used as an on/off switch. Configurations include single or double poles with thermal protection on one or both poles and lighted or unlighted. Options include auxiliary contacts for status signaling, magnetic trip coil, under-voltage release module, remote trip module, splash cover, and an actuator guard that protects against inadvertent reset. Electrical specs range from 0.1A to 20A, voltage ratings of 240 Vac and 50 Vdc, and an operating temperature range from -30ûC to 60ûC. Single-pole components rated up to 30A are also available. For more details, call Bill Stewart at E-T-A CIRCUIT BREAKERS, Mount Prospect, IL. (847) 827-7600.
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