Capable of generating frequencies of 350 to 700 MHz within 0-10 Vdc of tuning, the V350ME01 voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) registers a SSB phase noise performance of -100 dBc/Hz at 10ÊkHz offset from the carrier. When delivering 5 dBm, ±4 dBm, into a 50½ load, the device requires only 5V while drawing 1 mA.The VCO exhibits a second harmonic suppression of -4 dBc, pulls less than 5 MHz with a 14 dB return loss, and pushes less than 5 MHz/V with a 5% change in supply voltage. Operating temperature range is -30¡ to 85¡C. Price in a MINI-14S SMT package is $15.95 each/1,000. Z-COMMUNICATIONS INC., San Diego, CA. (858) 621-2700.
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