Sophisticated triggering, high-level decoding, and expert analysis for Fibre Channel networks and devices are all possible with the FCTracer from Computer Access Technology. Storage equipment developers and engineers can use it to quickly and independently monitor and analyze multiple channels of traffic for faster verification and problem resolution.
Users can independently trigger and record on 1-, 2-, or 8-Mbit/s Fibre Channel ports, each at a different transfer rate. Developers can quickly locate and identify intermittent problems, specific errors, and data patterns with up to two parallel event sequencers containing 256 states, each with an independent trigger and filter criteria. Extensive upper-level protocol decoding and easy access to packet-level detail simplify the interpretation and debugging of the Fibre Channel protocol. Throughput problems and anomalies can be easily identified with detailed real-time performance monitoring and statistics.
The FCTracer fits into the company's Universal Protocol Analysis System (UPAS), allowing rapid development and testing of products and enabling engineers to quickly move from protocol to protocol. It also leverages intuitive and powerful Trace expert analysis software, which uses a proprietary Windows-based user interface.
The FCTracer costs $27,950.
Computer Access Technology Corp. (800) 909-2282