The CFPT-9050 series of TCXOs can operate at any output frequency between 1.0 and 80 MHz. The series comes in an FR4-based 14 x 9 mm surface-mount package with a footprint compatible with industry standard six-pad SOJ-20 devices. This small devices can achieve Stratum 3 stability even at 77.76 MHz output. Besides offering stabilities within (0.3 ppm between 0 and +70(C, the series can be specified for operating temperature ranges from -40(C to 85(C, at (1.0 ppm stability, or -55(C to 105(C at (1.5 ppm. The series is also versatile in terms of its highly linear frequency adjustment: it can be disabled for high stability, set to around (5 ppm for simple ageing adjustment, spacified to over (32 ppm for Stratum 4 phase locked loop applications, or any option in between. Ageing is a maximum of (3 ppm over ten years. Price ranges between $15 and $100, depending on specs and quantity. C-MAC MICROTECHNOLOGY, Durham, NC. (919) 941-0403.
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