The ASO series fuse and FSO series fuse holder protect dc applications from the effects of low short circuits and over-voltage conditions in systems upwards of 1 kVdc. Both components are tailored for use in grid or off-grid solar strings, inverters, battery chargers, and combiner boxes. Quick acting according to UL 248-14, the ASO is a standard midget fuse measuring 10.3 mm x 38 mm offering current ratings from 1A to 30A with a breaking capacity of 20 kA and an operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. The fuse holder mounts in a standard 35-mm DIN Rail. The ASO and FSO are sold separately with pricing for a combination fuse and fuse holder being less than $20 each/100. SCHURTER INC., Santa Rosa, CA. (800) 848-2600.