Called an anything I/O card, the 5120M PCI bus card relies on a 200,000-gate FPGA from Xilinx to provide users with general-purpose I/O (GPIO). The FPGA configuration is downloadable from the PCI bus, allowing for the creation of virtually any type of I/O function. Pre-programmed functions include a 12 axis, host-based servo controller, a 12-channel quadrature counter, an eight axis microcontroller-based stepper motor controller with a 1/256 microstepping capability, a 72-bit parallel port, and a 12-channel, 32-bit timer/counter operating at 100 MHz. Also included is a VHDL source for all functions. The card has 50-pin connectors, each providing 24-bits for an aggregate of 72 programmable I/O bits. Price is $133 each/100. MESA ELECTRONICS, Richmond, CA. (510) 223-9272.
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