Transformers Help Ensure Reliability Of Switchers
A series of high-isolation voltage switchmode transformers is claimed to significantly reduce the chance of insulation system defects. The B8492 transformers find use in switchmode power supplies for solid-state IGBT and GTO motor drive applications, as well as medical electronics equipment requiring high-isolation voltage performance. Delivering 2,400 Vrms working voltage isolation between primary and secondary windings, the transformers are 100% tested for corona inception/extinction voltages greater than 2,600 Vrms at 60 Hz. AC HiPot is also performed at 4,700 Vrms, 60 Hz. Both tests guarantee the safety of the transformers, with levels of reliability reportedly not available from off-the-shelf components. The B8492 series is rated at 180 VA total power at 40°C with a 25 ±2.5 kHz, 100 Vrms input and +5 Vdc and ±22 Vdc outputs. Size is 2.5" x 2.5'' x 1.65''.