Offered as a cryogenic version of the SQL series piezoelectric SQUIGGLE motor, the SQL-3.4-cryo shrinks its footprint to 3.4 mm x 3.4 mm x 10 mm and delivers up to 30 mm of travel. This is one-fourth the size of the company’s SQ-100-C cryogenic SQUIGGLE motor. The miniature version is currently used to align cooled optics at 100 Kelvins in a cryogenic sensor developed for a military application. Other features of the SQL-3.4-cryo include a resolution of 0.5 mm, speed of 5 mm/s under a 100g load, stall force in excess of 100g, operating temperature range from room temperature to less than 77 Kelvins, and off-power position hold. Single-unit pricing is $1,500. NEW SCALE TECHNOLOGIES INC., Victor, NY. (585) 924-4450.
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