Distortion-Free Servoamp Drives 3-Coil, 6-Wire Linear Servomotors
The Model 4113Z servoamplifier provides three independent output channels for driving 3-coil, 6-wire linear servomotors. Each channel develops ±10A peak and ±5A continuous at ±90V, with the amp functioning as a precision current source and responding to motor commutation commands developed by a separate controller. All three channels use "Z" modulation technology to reportedly achieve excellent zero crossing linearity. High amplifier linearity is said to permit the servoamp to apply mathematically-ideal sinusoidal motor commutation. And the combination of amplifier linearity and sinusoidal commutation achieves nanometer motor positioning accuracy. The 8.3" x 4.7" x 1.4" Model 4113Z servoamplifier costs $525 in 100 piece quantities. For more details, contact Dean Crumlish at COPLEY CONTROLS CORP., Westwood, MA. (781) 329-8200.
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