The original version of the IXDP610 controller chip was the first to accept digital pulse width data from a microprocessor and to generate two complementary, non-overlapping signals for direct digital control of a switching power bridge. The new version of the IC can operate up to 400 kHz and has decreased the latency from 3 clock periods to 1. The chip interfaces with most standard microprocessor and microcomputer buses and is packaged in an 18-pin slim DIP; SMT versions will be made available. An evaluation kit is under development. Typical applications include switch mode power supplies and speed controls for servo motors, brushless DC motors and stepper motors. Pricing for the industrial temperature range IXDP610PI is $5.15 each/1,000. Samples are available, with production quantities available in 12-16 weeks.
Company: IXYS CORP.
Product URL: Click here for more information