Microcontroller Family Reduces Memory To Widen App Range
By lowering the amount of flash memory in the Z8 Encore family of 8-bit microcontrollers, the devices are more suitable for low cost, general-purpose applications in home appliances, security systems, personal electronic devices, motor control and lighting. Flash memory sizes range from 1 KB to 4 KB, and up to 1 KB of RAM. The devices are based on a 5-MHz microprocessor soft core and use a register-to-register architecture. They have an internal oscillator, two 16-bit timers, a watchdog timer, up to 24 general-purpose I/Os and can be equipped with an optional 8-channel, 10-bit ADC. A single-pin debugger and program interface simplifies code development and allows in-circuit flash memory programming and debugging. A full-duplex UART enables serial communications and IrDA encoding and decoding capability. The operating voltage range is 2.7V to 3.6V, and devices are available in a standard temperature range (0°C to 70°C) and extended range (-40°C to +105°C). A device with 1 KB flash is priced at $0.85, and one with 4 KB is $1.00, both in 10,000-unit quantities. ZILOG INC., San Jose, CA. (408) 558-8500
Company: ZILOG INC.
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