Carlsbad, CA

Dec. 1, 1998
Carlsbad, CA- New and improved versions of linear motors are on the way from California Linear Devices Inc. after the company acquired the rights to the linear motor technology developed by Avcon Inc. The initial motor offerings will be in the 350- to

Carlsbad, CA- New and improved versions of linear motors are on the way from California Linear Devices Inc. after the company acquired the rights to the linear motor technology developed by Avcon Inc. The initial motor offerings will be in the 350- to 1400-lb. range, with expansion to higher and lower force levels in the near future. Strokes up to 12" are currently offered. These simple, high-force, high-velocity, one-moving-part motors also feature user-programmable motion control using linear units of inches, inches per second, and inches per second squared.


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