Five-Phase Steppers And Drivers Run Right Out Of The Box
With only five wires to connect, the PULSTAR-V Series of motors and drivers is easy to integrate. The series consists of matched, pre-tuned steppers and drivers that are well-suited for use where high torque or high-speed with virtually no low speed resonance is required. Using high-energy, rare-earth magnet technology, the series is said to offer double the usable torque of typical NEMA 23, 34 and NEMA 42 stepping motors. The motors’ and drivers’ high torque, high speed, low noise and lack of low speed resonance makes them well-suited for robotics, pick-and-place equipment, X-Y stages, medical equipment, and semiconductor manufacturing. The low-inductance steppers include high acceleration and full- and half-step capabilities. A full-step angle of 0.72° (500 steps/rev.) and a half-step angle of 0.36° (1000 steps/rev.) at ±5 minutes of arc assures precise positioning without the loss of torque associated with microstepping. Holding torque ranges from 105.5 to 972.1 oz.-in. Each stepper comes with a matching UPS53 STAR driver with an integral power supply for connection directly to a 115 vac line. The driver features automatic current reduction at standstill to save power, step and direction or CW/CCW command signals, driver overheat warning, full- or half-step drive selection, and drive current off command to turn off holding torque for easy manual positioning.
Company: NYDEN CORP.
Product URL: Click here for more information