Makers of toys, lighting controls, entertainment systems, smoke detectors, and other products can integrate into their designs low-cost, unidirectional remote control functionality by using a new fixed-code encoder together with three other components. Targeted for use in non-secure and limited-security applications, the HCS101 encoder contains an oscillator, timing components, EEPROM, button input pulldown resistors, and low-battery detection circuitry. All that’s needed to operate the device are buttons, a battery and RF circuitry- use of the decoder also requires, of course, a compatible decoder, such as one of the firm’s PICmicro µCs.The HCS101 is pin-compatible to the firm’s HCS201 KEELOQ high-security, code-hopping encoder, allowing OEMs to market two levels of security with a common reusable design. The new device has a 66-bit transmission code that reduces the threat of code scanning. And it operates over a wide, 3.5V-to-13V voltage range, has three button inputs in an 8-pin PDIP or SOIC package.
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