Promising high levels of raw performance, versatility, and ease of use, four models in the Mercury II series encoders are available with resolutions ranging from 5 µm to 1.2 nm, linear or 20k CPR to 268M CPR rotary. Users can program the interpolation level in integer steps, and an accuracy of ±25 nm is achievable with glass scales. Operating speed at a 50-nm resolution is 2 m/s, or three times faster than similar 20 µm pitch encoders. The encoders are also available with stick-on bi-directional optical index and limits. Other features include a sensor alignment tolerance of ±2°. No instrumentation or external modules are required; users can align the sensor in under 30 seconds, the company says. Integrated setup and status LEDs make index and limit setup fast and painless. MICROE SYSTEMS, Natick, MA. (800) 355-4047.
Company: MicroE SYSTEMS
Product URL: Click here for more information