The vacuum-compatible LTA series actuators and URS50B rotation stage are compatible to 10 x e-6 hPa (7 x 10e-6 torr) vacuum and are suitable for integration in sample positioning or beam management processes. The vacuum stages feature a motor-mounted encoder that detects the stall of a stepper motor since the stage is not accessible when inside a vacuum chamber. The LTAHSPPV6 and the LTAHLPPV6 actuators specify a lifespan of 10,000 hors MTBF. Compatible with other vacuum-compatible manual stages, both actuators provide sub-micron minimum incremental motion and uni-directional repeatability. The URS50BPPV6 rotation stage delivers 360 degrees continuous motion at four degrees per second, an MIM of 0.0015° degrees, and it support loads up to 5 kg. MTBF is 20,000 hours. NEWPORT CORP., Irvine, CA. (800) 222-6440.