To address the proliferation of PDA, PCS, GPS, WLAN, WLL and paging products, the RFA-4024-WIFI adapter kit now includes MMCX, reverse-polarity TNC, and RP SMA adapters. Attaching any two interface adapters in the kit to a universal center can yield a wide range of different adapters in a matter of seconds. The kit contains six universal centers, two N males and females, two TNC males and females, two SMA males and females, one BNC male and female, one MMC male and female, two reverse-polarity SMA males and females, and two reverse-polarity TNC males and females. The adapters feature machined-brass, silver-plated bodies, gold-plated contacts, and Teflon insulation. RF CONNECTORS, San Diego, CA. (800) 233-1728.
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